Did you know that greenhouse-warming theory has never been proven in an experiment to actually work?

Global Warming is a Significant Problem
Numerous government reports such as the ones shown above conclude or are based on the assumption, that global warming is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases. There are many possible causes of warming. An experiment can tell us whether greenhouse gases are the primary cause.
Science is knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation.
Don’t you think we should prove the validity of greenhouse-warming theory by doing a simple experiment?
The only direct experiments documented in the scientific literature were done by Knut Ångström in 1900, one in the Canary Islands and one in the laboratory. Both experiments showed that increasing CO2 concentrations had little effect on air temperature.
In 1859, John Tyndall documented that greenhouse gases absorb infrared energy radiated by Earth. Since then, it has been assumed that an increase in the concentrations of these gases causes air to warm. This widespread assumption, however, has never been validated by an experiment in the field or in the laboratory.
On 2 November 2014, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that emissions of greenhouse gases have been the dominant cause of observed warming since the mid-20th century.
On 12 December 2015, representatives from 195 nations negotiated the UN Paris Agreement agreeing to work together promptly to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions at a cost of trillions of dollars per year.
On 4 November 2016, the Paris Agreement entered into force.
What if we spend trillions of dollars and do not reduce global warming?
How could greenhouse gases have become so important economically and politically without a basic experimental proof of theory? This is an embarrassment.
Don’t you think we would be wise to demonstrate greenhouse-warming theory experimentally before spending trillions of dollars per year to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions?
Such experiments could be done relatively easily, quickly, and inexpensively.
Some people wave their arms claiming that the climate is affected by so many different factors with so many likely feedbacks that a simple experiment may not be able to determine accurately the sensitivity of climate to a doubling of CO2. Even if this turns out to be correct, a simple experiment should be able to show that a doubling of the concentration of CO2 causes air to be warmed at least one degree Celsius.
The Climate Challenge
On 12 November 2015, Dr. Peter L. Ward issued a Climate Challenge offering to give $10,000 from his children’s inheritance to the first person or team of people who can demonstrate through direct measurements in the laboratory and/or in the field that a 15% increase in carbon dioxide, such as that observed from 1970 to 1998, can actually cause more warming of Earth’s surface temperatures than caused by observed contemporaneous depletion of the ozone layer of up to 60%. The experiment must be reproducible.
This challenge was sent by email to more than 2000 scientists who wrote or reviewed the 2013 IPCC Physical Basis Report and was issued to the media and on the web. No one has shown any serious interest.
Is there any reason to suspect that greenhouse-warming theory might not be right?
Some Observations That Are Not Explained Easily by Greenhouse-Warming Theory
- Global temperatures remained essentially constant from 1945 to 1970, rose from 1970 to 1998, remained essentially constant from 1998 through 2013, and rose very sharply since 2014. Concentrations of carbon dioxide, on the other hand, have risen consistently at ever increasing rates.
- Climate models have substantially overestimated global temperatures since 1998 and underestimated the rapid rise of temperatures since late 2014.
- The footprints of climate change in ice cores over the past 120,000 years clearly show at least 25 sudden rapid warmings, often within years, followed by slow cooling over centuries to millennia in sequences that are very erratic but average every 5000 years.
- Global warming has been much greater in the Antarctic and Arctic than at mid-latitudes and much greater at mid-latitudes than in equatorial regions.
- Warming of 6.7oC on the Antarctic Peninsula since 1950 is the greatest warming observed anywhere on Earth during the last 1800 years.
- Most studies of climate cycling in and out of ice-age conditions over the last 800,000 years suggest increases in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide follow increases in temperature by hundreds of years.
- Climate sensitivity, the warming expected when carbon dioxide concentrations double, is calculated assuming that all observed warming was caused by increases in greenhouse-gas concentrations. Warming has occurred, but what percent of it was actually caused by increases in greenhouse-gas emissions?
Some Physical Reasons for Wondering Whether Greenhouse-Warming Theory is Actually Correct
- To make something hotter, you must add heat. Greenhouse gases simply do not absorb enough heat to have a major effect on global temperatures.
- Greenhouse gases are observed to absorb infrared radiation into the oscillations of the bonds that hold each gas molecule together. This has no direct effect on air temperature, which is proportional to the average kinetic energy of all the gas molecules in the air, which is proportional to the average velocity of all the gas molecules squared.
- Radiant thermal energy is clearly observed to be a function of frequency of oscillation of the bonds holding matter together and is clearly not a function of amplitude or bandwidth as assumed by greenhouse-warming theory.
- Radiation from a thermal body cannot warm the same body, even if perfectly reflected back. This would be the thermodynamic equivalent of a perpetual motion machine.
- Heat flows from hot to cold according to the second law of thermodynamics.
- Radiation from a colder atmosphere, therefore, cannot warm a warmer Earth. You do not get warm standing next to a cold stove.
- Climate models predict that you will get warmer standing in moonlight than standing in sunlight. You know that doesn’t make sense.
- The solubility of CO2 in seawater increases as the oceans cool. Observed warming of the oceans could be the primary cause for increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere even though humans are clearly playing a role.
Whether you agree with each of these observations and physical reasons or not, they are good examples of why each of us needs to have an open mind about the validity of greenhouse-warming theory.
Any theory in science needs to be verified through careful experiments.
Just prove experimentally that CO2 actually causes global warming so that we can all be sure we are not wasting very significant amounts of money. These experiments should not be expensive and could be done very quickly.
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